Have you been wondering what the power of student conferences are? How about, what is student conference? What are the advantages to student conferencing? Can student conferences help my students learn?
If you have been asking yourself any of these questions, keep reading! Students at some grade levels often know more than they can show on a written assessment. A short individual conference can be the best way for a student to show their understanding of a skill.
Student Conference Defined
Student-teacher conferences are a one-on-one meeting between student and a teacher.
Both the student and the teacher can identify strengths and areas for growth
Together they select specific strategies that will support the student’s progress in a certain skill area.
Benefits to Conferencing Students
First, conferences provide individualized instruction for each student in the classroom.
Secondly, conferences can provide insight into what a student is doing in any academic area.
Finally, conferences can help the teacher investigate a student’s knowledge in an academic area.
Subject Areas for Student Conferencing
Social Studies
Physical Education
Foreign Language
Steps to Student Conferences
Purpose: Decide on your purpose for the conference.
Are you going to discuss student’s performance or behavior?
What are you finding out about your student’s knowledge about a subject matter is?
Is their an assessment of a specific skill of a student?
Hold Conference: Meet with student
Clearly explain the reason for the conference
Explain what outcomes you are expecting from your student
Include dialogue between you and your student.
Record Results: Track student conferences
Use a simple form or log to acknowledge conference took place
Record why the conference took place
Log what was accomplished during conference
Form or log may have a place for student responses
Follow Up With Student: Check in with student after conference
Brief meeting or note
Regular conference scheduled
Check to see improvements or change goals or strategies
In summary, the power of student conferences is two-fold, they have great importance to the teacher and to the student. Student conferencing is another way for teachers to learn more about their students. It is also a way for students to become active in their own learning process.
A student conference examines a student’s understanding of a skill and provide direct feedback of what they are doing well and what they may still need to work on. Student conferences are powerful assessment tools for teachers!
Grab your Free, Conference & Journal Assessments Here!