Whales Children’s Books With Literacy Extension Ideas

Are you looking for some Whales themed children’s books to use in your classroom that include literacy extension activities?  This list may be just what you are looking for!

Whales can be a great theme to engage your students.  It is filled with some exciting literacy experiences to explore.  You may have had the opportunity to read some of these Whale books already, but hopefully some will be a new adventure for you and your kids.    Explore with your children the theme of Whales by trying these engaging books and some of the extension activities suggested.

1. Rainbow Fish and the Big Blue Whale by Marcus Pfister

This book is a whale of a tale between ocean friends.  A terrible misunderstanding escalates, putting Rainbow Fish and his friends in great danger.

A big blue whale comes to live near the reef where Rainbow Fish and his friends live. The Big Blue Whale and Rainbow Fish along with his friends have a disagreement that leaves everyone very unhappy and hungry. Rainbow Fish must try to make peace with the big blue whale to save them all from disaster.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Classroom Book: “Whales Can”
  • Whale Facts Student Booklet
  • Paper Plate Whale Art Project
  • Whales Numbers & Number Word Counting Game

2. Little Polar Bear and the Whales by Hans de Beer

The author’s stunning watercolors bring to life Lars, the Little Polar Bear. This is the latest edition in the popular series.

Lars begins to realize his arctic homeland is warmer than usual.  He needs to lead the Beluga whales to safety from both illegal hunters and glaciers that threaten to seal the bay. 

Literacy Extensions: 

  • “Our Favorite Whales” Classroom Book
  • Whales Venn Diagram Graphic Organizer
  • Whale Mobile
  • Whales Roll & Bump Math Dice Games

3. Baby Beluga by Ashley Wolff

One of the most popular songs of the musical artist, Raffi, comes to life in a book.  The song about this small, white whale is probably the best loved of all Raffi’s creations.

Children learn about all life on Earth and the importance of preserving the fragile environment.  This cheerful lesson happens by becoming acquainted with the enchanting Baby Beluga.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Classroom Book: Whales Can
  • Whales Story Parts Worksheet
  • Whale Art Project
  • Whales Number & Ten Frame Match Game

4. Whale by David Lucas

When a giant whale washes up on shore on top of young Joe’s town, no one knows what to do!  The mayor declares the town is ruined.

The Whale laments that all he’s good for now is a large fish pie. The Fishmonger quickly agrees. But Joe is determined to set things right. With some teamwork from others and a whole lot of singing order is restored. Even better everyone makes a new and very large friend!

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Classroom Book: “All About Whales”
  • “How Many Whales” Student Booklet
  • “Whales” Student Story
  • Whales Roll & Cover Math Game

5. Amazing Facts About Whales by Dan Jackson

This is an excellent read for kids and has many wonderful descriptions of each whale. These Majestic creatures may be found in all the world’s seas and oceans. Some species prefer the cold waters of the Arctic rather than the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean.

Other whales are on the Endangered Species List in the United States due to over fishing. Public Awareness has been raised over the last several years to help protect these gentle marine mammals.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Classroom Book: If I Were A Whale
  • Story Retelling Worksheet
  • Whales Acrostic Poem
  • Whales Add & Subtract Match Game

6. Orcas by Anna Claybourne

In Orcas, readers will discover the special abilities that these amazing animals have adapted to help them survive in their wild environment.  They also will find out what humans have trained them to do using their special skills and intelligence.  You will discover where Orcas abilities are vastly superior to humans.

Did you know that orca mothers teach their babies how to hunt?  Did you know orcas can hear through their jawbone? The book also looks at how we have used technology to recreate orcas’ abilities.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Classroom Book: Whales
  • Story Sequence Worksheet: Sequence events of the story
  • Whales Sight Word Game
  • Whales Numbers & Ten Frames

7. If You Want to See a Whale by Julie Fogliano

In this quiet and beautiful picture book a boy learns exactly what it takes to catch a glimpse of an elusive whale.

If you want to see a whale, you will need to know what not to look at.  If you want to see a whale, you have to keep your eyes on the sea, and wait and wait and wait!

Literacy Extensions: 

  • “Our Whale Story” Classroom Book
  • Whales Student Story
  • Whales Letter & Sound Match
  • Whales Build 2 Addend Addition Number Sentences

8. Baby Whales Drink Milk by Barbara Juster Esbensen

This book is Level One Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science title The book explores more challenging concepts for children in the primary grades and supports the Common Core Standards.

What do dogs, pigs, whales, and people have in common? They are all mammals. Whales may seem like enormous fish, but they are really mammals like dogs and pigs and people. They breathe air through their lungs, they are warm-blooded, and they have hair. Baby whales even drink milk, just like you! 

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Whales Writing Station Words
  • Whales Build a Word
  • Whales Art Project
  • Whales Roll & Bump Math Game

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    Finally, there are so many Whales children’s books you can choose from.  From Whales fiction to nonfiction, the list of books is endless.   Remember to pick the books that best fit the needs of your students or children and support your learning activities.  Happy Reading!

    Find some more literacy and extension activities in my store, The Teaching Scene by Maureen.

    To read more blog topics check out my blog, “A Guide to Using Literature-Based Units of Study.”

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