Six Responsibilities for Teacher Mentors

Are you looking for some possible responsibilities for teacher mentors?   The first few months of a new teacher’s career are very important.  It is essential that they have effective training and support under the guidance of a veteran teacher. 

This checklist of six things to do at the beginning of the school year with and for your mentee or probationary teacher may start the year off wonderfully. 

beginning year checklist for teacher mentors

1: Tour of Building & Introduce Staff Members

Give beginning teacher a tour of building familiarizing them with general layout, parking, administrative offices, special classrooms (gym, music, computer lab, library, speech, special education, etc.), supply rooms, teacher lounge, staff restrooms, mail room, and teacher work areas.

Introduce mentee teacher to staff members, including all support staff.

2: Discuss Building Procedures

Familiarize beginning teacher to building procedures such as, teacher attendance, dress code, lunch procedures, emergency drills, assembly seating, student accidents or emergencies, movement of students, keys for classroom and building.

beginning year checklist for teacher mentor

3: Communication Systems

Set-up e-mail account for new teacher and explain its use.  Orient beginning teacher on phone system and guidelines for communication with parents: letters, phone calls, e-mails and personal contacts.  Show teacher the district web page and school site web pages.

4: District Policies

Share building and district policies and procedures, including sick leave, personal leave, and other types of leave used in the district and the required paperwork following the leave.

beginning year checklist for teacher mentor

5: School Calendar, Lesson Plans & Classroom Procedures

Provide teacher with district school calendar and school daily schedule. Discuss times of faculty and team meetings and the plans to collaborate and share with colleagues.

Discuss lesson plans for substitutes and emergency lesson plans for unexpected or extended absences.  Include “first day of school” plans, classroom management plans, room arrangements, orientations materials, etc.

6: Classroom, Supplies & Records

Show the beginning teacher to his/her room and help locate text and needed supplies.

Orient the beginning teacher to daily record keeping procedures of attendance, lunch count, etc.

beginning year checklist for teacher mentor

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    In summary, it is very important to support new and probationary teachers.  If your school district is implementing a mentor and mentee program there are certain responsibilities for teacher mentors that may help you start the school year.

    You also may want to take a look at this Mentor & Mentee Handbook resource that has teacher teaching tools and monthly action plans for principals, supervisors & teacher mentors.

    Find some more reading activities and assessments in my store, The Teaching Scene by Maureen.

    To read more topics check out my blog, “Seven Effective First Grade Assessment Tools”

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