Hearts Children’s Books With Literacy Extension Ideas

Are you looking for some Hearts children’s books to use in your classroom that include literacy extension ideas?  This list may be just what you are looking for!

Hearts is a wonderful theme and is filled with some exciting literacy experiences to explore.  You may have had the opportunity to read some of these Heart books already, but hopefully some will be a new adventure for you and your kids.    Whether you like or dislike hearts, try these engaging books and some of the extension activities suggested.

1. The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond

A creative and sweet story, perfect for Valentine’s Day. One day it rains hearts, and Cornelia Augusta catches them. She realizes that hearts are perfect for making valentines.

Each heart is special in its own way, and Cornelia Augusta knows exactly who to send them, her animal friends. A fun way to spark creativity and thoughtfulness!

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Hearts Literature List
  • Classroom Booklet: “Love Is…”
  • Hearts Counting
  • My Heart Story: Student Worksheets

2. The Heart Who Wanted to Be Whole by Beth Guckenberger

Even little ones are aware of lies in the world, yet they don’t always know how to recognize and overcome it. This age-appropriate story will show children how true words can protect their hearts and make them strong.

This story, together with Bible verses, vivid illustrations, and a powerful message will remind readers that no matter how overwhelming our emotions feel, words of truth and light can always put our hearts back together again.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • “To Make a Heart” Classroom Book
  • “Hearts Counting” Student Booklet
  • Venn Diagram Comparing Hearts vs Shamrocks
  • Hearts Build a Two Addend Number Sentence

3. In My Heart by Jo Witek

Sometimes my heart feels like a big yellow star, shiny and bright.
I smile from ear to ear and twirl around so fast,
I feel as if I could take off into the sky.
This is when my heart is happy.

Happiness, sadness, bravery, anger, shyness our hearts can feel so many feelings! Some make us feel as light as a balloon, others as heavy as an elephant.

This story explores a full range of emotions, describing how they feel physically inside. With language that is lyrical but also direct, children will be empowered by this new vocabulary and able to practice articulating and identifying their own emotions.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Classroom Book: “Hearts”
  • Hearts Story Parts Worksheet
  • Shaving Cream Hearts Art Project
  • Hearts Number & Ten Frame Match Game

4. The Heart and the Bottle by Oliver Jeffers

Once there was a girl whose life was filled with all the wonder of the world around her. To avoid feeling pain, the girl takes her heart and puts it inside a bottle. She grows up but loses her interest in the world around her, until she meets a young girl with the same curiosity and wonder she had had when she was a child.

The girl finally realizes the importance of keeping our hearts open despite loss and challenges and decides it is time to get her heart out of the bottle. Would she know when and how to get her heart back?

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Hearts Literature List
  • Hearts Story Parts: Student Worksheet
  • Hearts Roll It! Read It! Short Vowels
  • Rainbow Heart Sun Catchers Art Project

5. Heartprints by P.K. Hallinan

This is a sweet book that helps to teach children about how they are able to do something kind for another person. This book is about other children helping others and how they are able to leave “heartprints” along the way. This goes through so many examples of how you are able to do something kind for someone else.

This is a great book to help children find out ways to be kind are care about one another. This book has a lot of diversity in it from different cultural groups, disabilities, and also ages.  An activity that can be done with this book is having the students create a poem, an act, art work or even their own response with the book Heartprints.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • “Heartprints” Classroom Book
  • Hearts Story Sequencing Student Worksheet
  • Hearts Art Project
  • Hearts Add & Subtract Match Game

6. My Heart by Corinna Luyken

From the author-illustrator of The Book of Mistakes comes a gorgeous picture book about caring for your own heart and living with kindness and empathy.

My heart is a window. My heart is a slide. My heart can be closed or opened up wide.  Some days your heart is a puddle or a fence to keep the world out. But some days it is wide open to the love that surrounds you.

With lyrical text and breathtaking art, this book empowers all readers to listen to the guide within in this ode to love and self-acceptance.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • Hearts Word Bank
  • Hearts Literature Retelling Organizer Student Page
  • Hearts Make a Short Vowel Word Game
  • Hearts Roll & Cover Math Games

7. The Shape of My Heart by Mark Sperring

This is the shape of us, the shape of you and me. This is the shape of our eyes, and this is the world that we see.  From sun up to sun down, from our hands and our feet, to animals, cars, food, and teddy bears, the world is alive with endless shapes to identify.

Once you start to look, who knows what shapes you’ll discover next! With its gently reassuring text and vivid illustrations, The Shape of My Heart invites readers to look beyond the obvious and explore the world in a whole new way.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • “Hearts Counting Book” Student Booklet
  • Hearts Make a Short Vowel Word
  • Hearts Sight Word Games
  • Hearts Build 2 Addend Addition Number Sentences

8. All the Beating Hearts by Julie Fogliano

A tender and compassionate exploration of the shared experiences that bring us all together, be they sweet, painful, or both.  This story embraces life’s highs and lows, Julie Fogliano masterfully combines simple, lyrical text with highly nuanced themes to create a reassuring and hopeful meditation on solidarity and perseverance.

Impressionistic pastel and colored-pencil illustrations by Cátia Chien accompany the soulful text. This beautiful story reminds us that through all of life’s ups and downs, there will always be light after darkness, and most importantly, we have each other these other beating hearts.

Literacy Extensions: 

  • “To Make a Heart” Classroom Book
  • Hearts Letter & Sound Match Game
  • Hearts Build a Word
  • Hearts Numbers & Ten Frames Math Game

Finally, there are so many Heart children’s books you can choose from.  From fiction to nonfiction, the list of Heart books is endless.   Remember to pick the books that best fit the needs of your students or children and support your learning activities.  Happy Reading!

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