Are you looking for some back to school themed children’s books to use in your classroom that includes literacy activities? This list may be just what you are looking for!
Back to school can be a great theme to engage your students. It is filled with some exciting literacy experiences to explore. You may have had the opportunity to read some of these back to school books already, but hopefully, some will be a new adventure for you and your kids. Explore with your children the theme of back to school by trying these engaging books and some of the extension activities suggested.

1. First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg
Everyone knows that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach just before diving into a new situation. Sarah Jane Hartwell is scared and doesn’t want to start over at a new school.
She doesn’t know anybody, and nobody knows her. It we be awful. She just knows it! With much prodding from Mr. Hartwell, Sarah Jane pulls herself together and goes to school. This charming story will delight readers with its surprise ending!
Literacy Extensions:
- “Our First Day Jitters” Classroom Book
- Back to School Picture Match Game
- Back to School Letter & Sound Match
- Back to School Counting Games
2. First Day of School by Anne Rockwell
The kids from Mrs. Madoff’s classroom are preparing for a brand-new school year! The first day of school is full of new things. It is exciting, but it also a little scary. What will the school be like this year? Share the excitement of the new school year with your students!
Literacy Extensions:
- “School, School, What Do You See?” Classroom Book
- “Back to School, I See” Student Counting Booklet
- School Acrostic Poem
- Back to School Patterns
3. Rules for School by Alec Greven
With blackline drawings, this book features a boy named Alec who faces the uncertainties of a new school year. It begins with Rule 1 being, “You have to let go of summer,” is followed by advice on where to sit in the classroom and cafeteria, when to ask questions, and what irritates teachers.
Literacy Extensions:
- Back to School Word Bank
- “Back to School Senses” Student Booklet
- “All About Me” Art Project
- Back to School Sight Word Match Game
4. Splat the Cat Back to School, Splat! By Rob Scotton
It’s the first day of school, and there’s only time for Splat to share one of his summer adventures with the class. Will it be the time he went searching for pirate treasure? Or the time he went swimming with sharks in the ocean?
But before the end of the day, Splat knows exactly what to talk about and it’s the biggest surprise of all! Read all about Splat’s first day back at school for Splat the Cat.
Literacy Extensions:
- Classroom Book: “My Summer Adventures”
- Back to School Retelling Story Organizer
- Back to School Roll It! Read It! Short Vowels
- Back to School Letter & Sound Match BOOM Cards
5. This School Year Will Be the Best by Kay Winter
On the first day of school, new classmates are asked to share what they would most like to happen in the upcoming year. Some kids’ hopes are familiar while others are off-the-wall.
Whether it’s looking good on picture day or skateboarding at school, everyone’s wishes are shown in humorously exaggerated illustrations. As the first day draws to a close, there can be no doubt this school year will definitely be the best!
Literacy Extensions:
- “Back to School Senses” Student Booklet
- Back to School Story Sequencing Student Worksheet
- Back to School Sight Word Match Game
- Back to School Number & Ten Frames BOOM
6. Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes by Eric Litwin
It’s Pete the Cat’s first day of school! He’s wearing his totally awesome school shoes, which take him all over the school. From the library to the playground, Pete encounters one new place after another.
But he knows he has nothing to worry about because he’s ready for anything in his special red shoes. And no matter where he goes, Pete never stops moving and grooving and singing his song because it’s all good.
Literacy Extensions:
- Back to School Word Bank
- Back to School Literature Retelling Organizer Student Page
- Back to School Make a Short Vowel Word Game
- Back to School Roll & Cover Math Games
7. Amelia Bedelia First Day of School by Herman Parish
The New York Times bestselling picture book! Amelia Bedelia goes to school and mixes up just about everything in this funny picture book about the childhood of the iconic character. The first book in the nationally bestselling series about the childhood of America’s favorite literal-minded housekeeper, Amelia Bedelia is sure that she will absolutely love school.
After all, what’s not to love? But after hopping on the bus “just like a bunny” (hurry up, sweetie!), confusing her name tag with a game (we are not playing tag), and gluing herself to her seat (oh, dear), Amelia Bedelia discovers that what she takes for granted is not always the way the world works.
Still, friendships are formed, lessons are learned, and projects are completed, and through it, all Amelia Bedelia’s teacher, Mrs. Edwards, offers gentle guidance and an open heart.
Literacy Extensions:
- “Back to School” Classroom Book
- Back to School Student Story
- Back to School Sight Word Match Game
- Back to School Build 2 Addend Addition Number Sentences
8. If You Take a Mouse to School by Laura Numeroff
The Mouse, first introduced in Numeroff’s If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, is back! He is still pushing his boundaries with his human friend, this time in school. Mouse discovers new friends and activities, which include writing a book, playing basketball, riding a skateboard, and performing a science experiment.
Bringing a plucky mouse to school isn’t the wisest idea, no matter how much fun it might seem. Thankfully, the bestselling duo has teamed up to show us the hijinks a whiskered school guest could cause.
Literacy Extensions:
- Back to School Writing Station Words
- Back to School Match Game
- Back to School S’more Art Project
- Back to School Roll & Cover Math Game
Finally, there are so many back to school children’s books you can choose from. From back to school fiction to nonfiction, the list of books is endless. Remember to pick the books that best fit the needs of your students or children and support your learning activities. Happy Reading!
Find some more literacy and extension activities in my store, The Teaching Scene by Maureen.
To read more blog topics check out my blog, “A Guide to Using Literature-Based Units of Study.”